The liability of a pharmaceutical manufacturer is a key attribute of our strategy. Caring for the quality and safety of our products is of primary importance to us.


Careful compliance with the standards and requirements of the World Health Organization is also one of the key principles of our work. For us it is very important to have an opportunity to provide our patients with a deep confidence in the safety of our products, confirmed by authoritative sources. 


Contributing to the improvement of the health of our patients around the world, we do not forget about our obligations not for a second and hold true to the strictest ethical standards in every aspect of our work, from research and development and manufacture to marketing activities.

We are proud of the well-coordinated efforts of our team and the results of our work, but we are even more proud of the opportunity to really change the lives of our patients for the better.


All products of the Lamyra’s manufacture are subject to strict clinical trials. However, this does not 100% exclude the possible occurrence of the adverse reactions and side effects of preparations as far as the body of each person is individual.

Adverse reactions include side effects from preparations and the lack of the effectiveness of treatment.

You may report on an adverse reaction by email or by filling out the attached form.

Pharmacovigilance service contacts:

Address: 220123, Minsk, V. Khoruzhey str. , 22, office 1203.  

E-mail: [email protected]

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