The importance of Vitamin D for the human body is described in more than 70 thousand medical works. It is necessary to improve general well-being, regulates the metabolism of minerals in the body, reduces the risk of respiratory infections, helps to cope with a disorder of the nervous system and even interacts with longevity genes. Moreover, there are the studies of authoritative scientists who recommend taking Vitamin D as a prevention of COVID-19.

At least one third of the world population still has a permanent deficiency of Vitamin D. How do you know that you are among them?

Signs of Vitamin D deficiency:

  • Frequent infections. In case of the insufficient quantity of Vitamin D, the body becomes more susceptible to infections.
  • Lack of mood. Vitamin D plays a key role in maintaining the normal level of serotonin in the brain.
  • Constant fatigue. In case of Vitamin D deficiency, the body does not absorb nutrients from food, so you simply do not have enough energy.
  • Weak bones and teeth. After all, it is Vitamin D that regulates the level of calcium and phosphates in the body and helps prevent osteomalacia and osteoporosis.
  • Muscle pain. Penetrating in the cells of muscle tissues, Vitamin D enhances the frequency of muscle contractions, helping the muscles remain strong and resilient. It protects them from tears and small damages.

If you find out the signs of Vitamin D deficiency, take a test for its content in your blood in any laboratory. It allows assessing the depth of a problem and calculating an optimal dosage in order to take the additional doses of Vitamin D in a proper manner.

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