Silver nanocolloid solution, dexpanthenol, mineral salts of potassium and sodium, glycerin (Mint + eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil).
Pharmaceutical form
Nasal spray 25 ml.
Properties of components
The silver nanocolloid contains silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) obtained by using innovative nanotechnology. The silver nanocolloid maximizes its antimicrobial properties against viruses, bacteria and fungi due to an extremely large specific surface area that increases the contact area of silver with microorganisms. When the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane is in contact with solutions of silver nanoparticles, it loses its ability to selectively conduct electrical signals that disrupts their vital processes (nutrition, excretion of metabolic products). Consequently, pathogenic microorganisms die within a few minutes. The rapid breakdown of microorganisms prevents the development of resistance to silver ions. The development of the strains of bacteria resistant to the action of silver has not been observed in scientific studies.
The antiviral action of AgNPs against the pathogens of acute respiratory infections (influenza A and B viruses, parainfluenza, coronaviruses, respiratory syncytial virus), herpes virus, hepatitis B virus and human immunodeficiency virus has been experimentally and clinically proven.
At therapeutic concentrations, the AgNPs have a bacteriostatic action against most pathogenic bacteria including antibiotic-resistant strains, such as Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Klebsiella pneumoniae. The AgNPs contribute to the destruction of bacterial biofilms, have a synergy effect with antibiotics.
The anti-inflammatory action of AgNPs and its effectiveness in case of allergic rhinitis have been proven in a number of studies.
Other components in Multizan® Silver,Nasal Spray have a beneficial effect on the state and functional activity of the nasal mucosa that enhances its barrier function.
Dexpanthenol is a derivative of pantothenic acid, a water-soluble B complex vitamin. An increased need for pantothenic acid is observed in case of damaged skin or mucous membranes, and its deficiency can be replenished with dexpanthenol when applied topically. Dexpanthenol contributes to the regeneration of the nasal mucosa.
Mineral salts of potassium and sodium that are part of the product improve the function of the ciliated epithelium, have an anti-inflammatory, cleansing, stimulating, restorative action on the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity.
Glycerin has the ability to bind and retain water molecules, and also to form a thin film that prevents drying. Glycerin in Multizan® Silver, nasal spray’s complex composition enhances the moisturizing and regenerating action of the remaining components.
Multizan® Silver Nasal Spray contains silver nanocolloid, which have an antimicrobial action, and a complex of substances that improve the function of the nasal mucosa.
Multizan® Silvee Nasal Spray has antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, protective, regenerating, cleansing, emollient, nourishing properties.
Multizan® Silver Nasal Spray is used for :
- treatment in case of the first cold symptoms, such as a runny nose and nasal congestion;
- comprehensive treatment of rhinitis, sinusitis, rhinosinusitis and adenoiditis of any origins, as well as increasing the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy;
- reducing the symptoms of allergic rhinitis (sneezing, itching, nasal congestion and a runny nose);
- prevention of nasal infections, especially in the season of acute respiratory infections;
- hygiene and prevention of dryness, burning, formation of crusts on the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, regardless of the cause of appearance.
Route of administration
1 dose 3-4 times per day for children up to 3 years.
2 doses 3-4 times per day for children after 3 years and adults.